Sunday, March 16, 2014


This was my view  as I walked to my car on the way from work, two days before the  first day of Daylight’s Saving Time.
I hope you enjoy my poem "Fall Back" below. Oh how reminiscent I am when we have to "fall back" at the end of Daylight Saving Time during the Fall! 
I'm going to enjoy every minute of Spring, Summer and Daylight Saving Time's visit with us!


MAY 3, 2013

On those days in late November

When the trees are all but timber

That’s the time when you’ll remember

When it was light out here

My quick-slow pace to my dear car

Reminds me of my morning’s start

Eight hours ago seems oh so far

When it was light out here

Dark clouds hang below dark sky

The twilight taunts my weary eyes

Cold winds whisper of warm nights gone by

When it was light out here

“Turn back your clock” the news guy said

One extra hour in my bed

Where summer night’s dreams will fill my head

When it was light out here
Please let me know what you think in the comment's section below.


A lot of men hate putting on a suit.  Their usual suit lamentations include:  “It’s too hot!” “It’s uncomfortable!” “I can’t act like a normal human being in a suit!”

My husband seems to love wearing a suit and that sentiment is reflected every time he adorns one.  His stroll is just a little cooler. His demeanor is just a little more laid back. He takes selfies.
He handsomely wears his suits with pride and elegance.  This is how a suit should be worn.  Not with scorn.

 The fact that he puts forth the effort to include a cufflink to his ensemble also reflects that love. 

These manly accessories take a little extra effort, and if a man wears a pair without force, it’s an indication that he is a very stylish man.  Style is all about the little extra things you are willing to do to make an outfit your own.  Cufflinks are that little extra thing.

Cufflinks are usually worn with French cuff dress shirts.  These shirts do not have buttons at the cuffs, so the cuff is folded back and secured with the cufflinks.

Pictured below are two pair of cufflinks from my husband’s collection. 
Please share your comments in the appropriate section below.


I have not been able to locate a milkshake that gets me extra excited, so, on one of our snow days, I tried my hand at making one for myself using two of my favorite things, Mocha & Heath Bar pieces.

Stuff I used:                                          

*Coffee Ice Cream

*Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup (With Calcium for bone health)

*2% Milk

*Heath Bar Pieces

Stuff I did:

1.    Mix everything in the blender's carafe.

2.    Turned on the blender until well blended  using the blend setting (I think it was the blend setting).

3.    Pour the mixture in some fancy Washington Redskin glasses.
4.    Insert some cute, whimsically colored straws.

5.    Taste.

6.    Critique.
How I felt:

I used entirely too much milk.  Look at those drinks in the glasses.  They look like glasses of vanilla milkshakes.  I was so excited about making this treat, that I didn’t even measure my ingredients.  My family seemed to enjoy this milkshake, but it was not rich  or thick enough for me.

Lessons Learned:

*Take the time to measure my ingredients (yes, measure the ingredients for a simple milkshake, Rose.  This may lead to a better finished product.)

*Use less milk and more of everything else. 
*Remember the settings I used on the blender, so that can correctly enter it in my milkshake blog entry   not look like a forgetful forgetter.

*Keep track of the amount of time I should mix the ingredients in the blender.
*Get a grip on the extreme milkshake excitement. 
I’m going to try making this milkshake again. I will keep you updated.

Please share your milkshake adventures in the comment’s section below!


I am very easily distracted. 

Bright green grass hoppers.  Beautiful fireworks displays. Clowns driving Hondas. All of these things bring out the three year old in me and causes me to develop a serious case of tunnel vision.  Even though long drives in the country can provide an array of visual treats (cows, tractors, silos…), city living (especially Richmond, Virginia city living) continuously feeds & distracts my curious mind.

Here are my Top Ten Urban Distractions:

10.  WEATHERED SKIES:   I love the fact that Richmond’s climate has an ever changing cycle.  We get nice, warm Summers & beautiful, snowy Winters.  As a result we are able to experience the some of the most beautiful atmospheric art in the world. 



 9.  UNINHABITED SHOES:  I have a thing for shoes.  I love to purchase them and strut around in them.  I have a very hard time parting with some of my more beautiful shoes.  So it baffles me whenever I see a pair just lying on the city street.  Not in a trash can.  Just sitting there, ownerless.   Such a pity.


8.  METEOROLOGICAL FLOCKS:  If seagulls are gathering in a parking lot, expect to see some snow in a few days.  If a flock of geese are congregating on a grassy knoll, there’s no doubt that either Spring or Fall is near.  Take heed to these feathered weather dudes.
                                                        "I TOLD Y'ALL IT WAS GONNA SNOW!"

                                                                      GEESE FLOCK

7.  WHEELED WONDERs:  If it has wheels and it makes you say “Ooooo, look”, then it can be classified as a wheeled wonders.

6.  ROGUE DOGGIES: During the 70’s, 80’s & 90, I would see poor little stray dogs roaming the street almost everyday. They would roam in packs. They would roam as buddy couples.  They would roam alone.   Now days, Animal Control does a wonderful job of gathering up rogue dogs and finding homes for them.  But, every once in a while, we spot one, trotting along, trying  to avoid being scooped up by the doggie police. 

5. SPOOKIE HISTORIC HOUSES: Richmond, Virginia has a lot of historic houses.  This is a result of the fact that a lot of these homes have been around since before the civil war.  Since some of the residents of these homes have played some role in our city’s history, these homes served as historic artifacts. You may be asking where the spooky part comes in - well just look at them.
NAME OF BUILDING:  Maymont Mansion

LOCATION:  Maymont Park, Richmond, VA

WHO RESIDED THEIR:  James and Sallie Dooley

WHEN RESIDED:  1893 - 1925,
HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE (MY OPINION):  Upon visiting this home, you are able to peep in to the world of the Dooleys and their African American servants.  The home still has a lot of the original interior pieces.


NAME OF BUILDING:  Boscobel or Old Stone House
LOCATION:  Forest Hill Park, Richmond, VA
WHO RESIDED THEIR: Rhodes & Eliza Anne Cunliffe Heth Holden
WHEN RESIDED:  Between 1836 and 1843 - 1857
HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE (MY OPINION): The history of the Old Stone House and the surrounding property is a testament to the history of urban development in this neighborhood.
 4.  PASTEL DOGGIES:  In canine society, the only thing funnier than rogue doggies are pastel dogs.  Keep giving your dogs a dye job folks, it amuses me.
Don't worry, this rainbow pup hasn't gone rogue like our buddies pictured in #6. 
His owner is there, just out of the shot.
3.  TUMBLE WEAVE:  Oh, the legend of the urban tumble weave! A rogue piece of weave rolling down the street in the wind.  Maybe it was pulled out of someone’s head during a fight.  Maybe somebody was getting their hair braided on the front porch and a piece of weave took advantage of it’s opportunity to escape.
This piece has some blond strands mixed in.
This weathered piece rolled down the street as a hairy ball.
2.  MURALS:  RVA's city streets have become the canvas to many local artists and they are always the cause of my many distractions.  Big or small, these murals have always placed goofy smiles on my face.
Vampires don't have reflections,  but this one appears to cast a shadow.
ARTIST:  Stormie Mills
LOCATION:  Broad  & N. Madison Street, Richmond, VA

Please don't try to make this guy's day!
ARTIST:  ???
LOCATION:  Alley behind Forest Hill Avenue, Richmond, VA

1.  CITY CHICKENS:  I am obsessed with city chickens.  I saw some a couple of years ago, casually walking down the side walk right in the middle of the city.  I stopped and took some pictures of these guys.  Our local magazine, Style, then published an article about the new chicken laws and, upon reading this article, I became a semi expert on the subject.  A few years later, I spotted more city chicken in a different location.  I have no desire to raise city chickens, but I’m just a bit obsessed with them.

These guys did not want to be photographed,
so you have to squint a little bit in order to see them.

Honarable Mention:

OUTSIDE ALLEY TOILET: Why would a toilet be sitting in an alley?

Just a note, all of these photos (as in all of my blogs) were either taken by me or another member of the Smith Fantastic Four!

Please share your distractions in the comment’s section below.