I love the fact that I can escape my cubical prison
for 60 minutes during lunch and lavish myself with a rewarding little treasure.
Dare I say I deserve it? Yes, I dare say that I do!
Here’s this week’s splurge from Body Central & it only cost $3.90.
Here are the top 5 reasons why every woman
deserves the right to participate in Splurgeday Thursday (this is just five out
of a million):
MORNINGS. I am a night owl & not a morning hen. The
fact that I can leave the house in my zombie state each morning, yet successfully
function as a responsible human being at work is an act deserving of some sort
of award. No Oscars available? I’ll settle for a pair of platform pumps.
NANTS. Nant is
a word I invented. It’s short for
ignorant. I use it playfully with the
ones I love…for example, “Y’all some crazy nants”, but there are some real
nants out there and some of them reside in office cubicles. You know some of
them. The Vicious Gossiping Nant. The Sneak
Snakey Nant. The Joy Sucking Nant. If
you can survive at least 2 ½ days out of the week without letting Cube Nants
drag you into their nasty Nantdom, you should treat yourself to something nice. It can be a bottle of strawberry lotion from
the dollar tree or a pair of wine glasses from Pier One. This stuff serves as fumigation to Cube
HORMONES. Yes, I know men are also capable of acting
all moody and emotional. We just handle
our hormonal fits differently:


SMILE. Some of
us are not fortunate enough to have a job that allows us to divulge in our true passions
and talents, yet we show our appreciation for the job we are blessed to have by flashing a genuine grin at least 80% of the day. Whether
it’s a smile on our face or a smile in our voice. Whether its a smiley face in an Instant Message, e-mail
message or text message. Treat yourself
to a tube of lip gloss. It can make that
smile a bit shinier.
Alright Ladies! It’s your turn. Celebrate yourself & let
me know how you did it in the comments section below.
you deserve a treat too. I will have
something special for you in my blog entries each week in February!!!
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