Saturday, February 15, 2014


I knew that the Bath and Body Works shops had products for men in there somewhere, but I never thought about purchasing them until the 2013 Christmas shopping season.

We have a lot of lotion at our house.  Cocoa butter lotion.  Medicated lotion.  Exreme hydrating lotion.  Fruity & flowery smelling lotion.  Usually, when it came to moisture, my husband, Mark always settled for whatever he could grab, as long as it wasn’t, fruity and flowery.  He usually narrowed his choices down to either the extreme hydrating lotion or the cocoa butter lotion.  They completed that job that needed to be done and, to Mark, that was enough. 
But  I noticed that Mark started taking ownership of the little bottles of complimentary lotions from the hotel rooms we would stay in.  Crabtree & Evelyn, Bath and Body Works, the brand with the green leaf on it – I think it’s from the Westin hotel (not sure of the name brand, but is smells soooo good).  These mini-moisturizers are supposed to be appealing to men and women so they all have a light, yet very pleasant fragrance.  For weeks after our stay, I would find these small bottles in his car or on his night stand.

 I thought of this while completing a little Christmas shopping in Bath and Body Works.  Sharing the floor with me were A LOT of men awkwardly roaming around the store, sniffing candles, trying to smell  samples of body mists they’ve sprayed into the air and asking their daughter(s) (some in strollers) “ Which one do you think  Mommy would like?”.  But there was also  a strange group of men huddled around a small display in the rear of the store.  These guys looked pretty comfortable and weirdly relaxed.  I came to the conclusion that either Bath and Body Works has started carrying a line of fragrant video games or there are some man-friendly grooming products back there.  So I meandered my way past these guys to see what was really going on.  As I glanced over the selection of products on display, my tunnel vision kicked in and I focused on the skin hydration products. After sniffing a few bottles, I fell in love with this lovely Paris for Men Body Lotion. 

Don’t be fooled by the false “full” appearance this bottle has. 
There’s quite a bit missing.  Mark loves this stuff and has been using it daily. 
According to the description on the bottle, Paris has “…a refined blend of cedar wood, orange zest and a hint of musk”.   This stuff emits a very nice fragrance that never interferes with the cologne Mark wears.   It also contains Shea Butter which keeps the skin hydrated. 
Even though it’s too late to purchase this as a Valentine’s Day gift, it’s not too late to give it as a Valentine’s Weekend gift. 

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